Look and Feel of the Site

I’ve intentionally tried to have the look and feel of this website be different from standard music sites you find. When you go to a musician’s site, you usually see one of two things:

* Singer/Songwriters will leverage heavily on some scenery picture. They’re sitting on a beach…at sunset…with a seagull flying overhead…in a leather jacket no one would ever wear to a beach. The writer is SERIOUS. They’ve been CONTEMPLATING.

* Bands will almost always have sites that are totally black and white, with lots of bold print. You’ll find dramatic, black and white pictures of the band in mid-movement while performing. There will be lots of areas to look if you have ADD. They have ENERGY. It’s frenetic, because things are HAPPENING with the band.

I wanted something totally different from either prototype.

If you go to a site where someone sells art, you see something different. You see color. You see clean, white space. You see that the artist thought about how to make the site look different.

When I was sketching this out, that was my goal. I wanted a clean site. I wanted COLOR. I wanted the focus on the songs. I wanted someone to hit the site and say “hmmm…this is already pretty different…let me check this out.”

I may have overshot it a bit, and I may have developed something a little too niche and not bound for mass appeal. We’ll see. I’ll definitely play with the look and feel as we go…