21 Days to Kick This Habit

Well I’ve known for a while
That I’m addicted to you
That it had crossed a line
I didn’t want it to

They say a habit goes away
In 21 days or so
I’ve got to make the play
Shut down this show

I can see the light
In days we might
Be able to get on with life

21 days to kick this habit
I’m going to find a way, it’ll be like magic
21 days to kick this habit of you
21 days it’ll be savaged
Just enough time, to combat it
21 days I’ll kick the habit of you
And then it’s through

We can find a way
To build up the walls
In just a few short days
We can cushion this fall

It’s only a few weeks
Not much time at all
If we can just not speak
Email, text or call

We can shake the fight
And make it right
It only takes, a few days and nights

It might be tough to break free
Cause we both need to see
We won’t get past it
Quite so easily

So let’s give this a shot
How much could it hurt
Give it everything we’ve got
Maybe it’ll work

Break us up today
Trust it goes away
If we just, believe what they say