Site Introduction:
This site is a collection of my own, original songs, and my goal here is largely to give these songs life. Because I prefer the process of writing far more than performing or recording, I’ve wound up with a slew of songs sitting on a shelf, doing nothing. This was my way to get the songs out into the wild.
The recordings are effectively demos, with me singing and playing either the piano or guitar. I’m not likely to add further instrumentation to them, largely because I’ve always preferred the more stripped down, intimate versions of songs where the lyrics and tune have to stand on their own.
My plan is to drop a new song on the site on the 15th and the 30th of every month (removing a song each time). In most cases, I’ll add some quick commentary on the song in the blog section. The site will be somewhat dynamic–it’ll have a constantly changing set list.
In time, I’d like this site to be an open source for songs for people to use. The hardest part about becoming a new artist is writing or finding original material. Please contact me if something strikes you.
If you have any feedback, comments, etc…please email me at [email protected]. Thanks for listening…