Tom Petty

I feel like I should say something this week because thereā€™s no question that Petty was one of my top 5 influences. You can hear it in my vocals, you can see it in the structure of bridges in my songsā€”I see it all over the place. I adored his first five albums from start to finish (yes, even Long After Dark). The early-era Pettyā€”feisty, fighting for his existenceā€”was glorious.

In his last interview, he talked about being an artist. ā€œIt was about something much greater. It was about moving peopleā€¦I really believed in rock-n-roll. I believed in it in its purest sense, its purest form.ā€

I hope some of the spirit of that quote comes through here on this site. I can safely say this site doesnā€™t exist without that man.

One Year Anniversary

Weā€™re about to move into a new year, which means weā€™ve hit the one year anniversary of what we deem the official ā€œlaunchā€ of the site. Weā€™ve posted 37 songs so far, and there are a lot more to go (headed to 150+, I hope). For those that are sticking with it, I really appreciate the support, and I hope youā€™re enjoying the songs.

As an FYI, this is the sparkline of traffic for the last year, relying almost solely on word of mouth:




Considering that someone only needs to come to the site once every 20 weeksā€¦I think weā€™re holding our own. If we could add about two orders of magnitude to the underlying numbers, we might have something.

Seriously, thoughā€¦thanks again. This site has been ridiculously healthy for everyone involved.

So If Youā€™re Visiting Fargoā€¦and You Meet Richard Marx in an Elevatorā€¦

On my continued tour of places I havenā€™t been toā€¦I was in Fargo, North Dakota for a night (I saw the wood chipper!). Richard Marx was playing the Fargo theatre two blocks away, and I wound up on an elevator with him at the hotel. I didnā€™t even know he was in townā€”I never looked at the concert line-up.

As I was headed to the lobby bar that night, I realized I left my iPad upstairs in my hotel room. So, I was out in the lobby, turned back around, and then went to get on an elevator to go back up. At the same time, Richard and another man with him were in the lobby dealing with fans, and then they went to the elevator as well. They got on first, and I walked on without needing to stop, right in stride. Butā€¦to themā€¦it probably looked like I saw him, turned around, and chased him.

It was just the three of us. About half way up, I realized I had one last ā€œgregorsongs.comā€ business card in my wallet (Iā€™m out of stock). Should I give it to him? I already look like a stalker. This probably wonā€™t go well.

I stepped out on the 9th floor with them, which was not my floor (and not his floor, as they were doing the get-out-and-then-get-another-elevator-to-go-to-the-actual-room routine). I gave him a card. He was polite. Butā€¦clearlyā€¦this has happened before.

What Richard was thinking: ā€œI knew we shouldnā€™t stay in the only three star+ hotel in downtown Fargo. This is what we get. Everyone knows where Iā€™d have to stay. This guy lives here and heā€™s been waiting for this moment for months. This sucks.ā€

What I was thinking: ā€œI just handed my card to a guy thatā€™s sold 30M records, and is known in the industry as a songwriting guru. Did I just lose control of my stuff?ā€ Sure I have copyright control of these thingsā€¦but you can change lyrics and chords. Who knows what it triggers.

My hunch isā€¦.the card was tossed before he got to his actual floor. Butā€¦I regret it. I shouldā€™ve left him alone.

Slowing Down the Updatesā€”Every Two Weeks

As Iā€™ve gone through this process the last few weeks, Iā€™ve been trying to assess what the right pace should be for posting songs. Ā  So far, I have to say that posting a song a week has felt a little frenetic. Ā  It feels too fast. Ā  Iā€™m also concerned that if/when my schedule returns to normal, Iā€™ll have a hard time meeting my own deadlines.

Iā€™m going to take a stab at a different pacing. Ā  Letā€™s try posting a new song every 2 weeks, on the 15th and the 30th of each month.

I might change my mind about that after we do some things to attract more people to the site (weā€™re really still in build mode here), but thatā€™s probably a little ways off.

As usual, let me know what you thinkā€¦

Look and Feel of the Site

Iā€™ve intentionally tried to have the look and feel of this website be different from standard music sites you find. When you go to a musicianā€™s site, you usually see one of two things:

* Singer/Songwriters will leverage heavily on some scenery picture. Theyā€™re sitting on a beachā€¦at sunsetā€¦with a seagull flying overheadā€¦in a leather jacket no one would ever wear to a beach. The writer is SERIOUS. Theyā€™ve been CONTEMPLATING.

* Bands will almost always have sites that are totally black and white, with lots of bold print. Youā€™ll find dramatic, black and white pictures of the band in mid-movement while performing. There will be lots of areas to look if you have ADD. They have ENERGY. Itā€™s frenetic, because things are HAPPENING with the band.

I wanted something totally different from either prototype.

If you go to a site where someone sells art, you see something different. You see color. You see clean, white space. You see that the artist thought about how to make the site look different.

When I was sketching this out, that was my goal. I wanted a clean site. I wanted COLOR. I wanted the focus on the songs. I wanted someone to hit the site and say ā€œhmmmā€¦this is already pretty differentā€¦let me check this out.ā€

I may have overshot it a bit, and I may have developed something a little too niche and not bound for mass appeal. Weā€™ll see. Iā€™ll definitely play with the look and feel as we goā€¦